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Support Request

Don't see a solution to your issue listed here? Let us know so we can help!

Support Request

Logging In

Canvas Link

Clicking the link in Canvas to Vizi should automatically log you in to view your content. If you are being sent to the login screen instead, it means an issue with your browser is interfering with the link. To resolve this issue, you can switch to a different internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari. Or, if you would prefer to keep using your current browser, you need to clear the cache and cookies. Instructions for how to do that can be found here.

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, click here to reset your password. If you have already submitted a form and don't receive an email to reset your password, check your Spam and Junk folders to see if it might have ended up there.

Account Management

Change Email

If you'd like to change the email address associated with your account, click here.

Change Password

If you know your current password and want to change it click here. If you've forgotten your password and need to reset it, click here.

Change Course

If you are currently using Vizi for a specific course at your school, and accidentally selected the wrong course when setting up your account, please submit a support ticket and specify the course you need to be moved to.

Purchasing Access

Payment Problems

We use Stripe to process all of our payments because they are a safe, secure, industry leader. As an extra layer of security, we don't store or check any data about your payment method or it's status. Therefore, if your payment method is declined, you will need to contact Stripe directly to find out more about the issue and resolve it.

Course Not Listed

If you are currently enrolled in a course this semester that is uing Vizi and do not see your course listed on the registration page, start by checking with your instructor to see if your access to Vizi is set up through Canvas. If so, you do not need to register or create your own account, just click the link in Canvas for your course and you will automatically be logged in. If your instructor is not using Canvas to access Vizi, please submit a support ticket and let us know what course you are currently enrolled in.

Discount Code

If you were provided with a discount code for your purchase but are unable to get the checkout page to reigster the discount, double check that the code has not expired and then please submit a support ticket and let us know.

Content Issues

Images Won't Load

We use a Content Delivery Network to host our image files so that they will load faster. If the images aren't loading, it may be that your internet service provider has blocked the service. Please try connecting to Vizi using a different internet connection. Or contact your internet service provider or the IT department where you are connecting from and ask them to white list the following URL:

Content Errors

If you notice anything in Vizi that isn't working the way you expect it to, times out, or sends you to an unexpected error page, please submit a support ticket and let us know.