Graduation Help Center

Continued Access

As a Ball State student, your Vizi Courseware account is tied directly to your Canvas account at Ball State University. In order to log into your account, you must first log into Canvas and then click the link to Vizi from within one of your courses.

When you graduate from the program, you may lose access to your Canvas account, your Ball State email account, or both. Your access to the Vizi Exam Prep will continue for one additional year after the end of your final ABA course. Therefore, you need to set up your account so that you can access it directly, without using Canvas or your Ball State email address.

Follow these steps to set up your Vizi account so you can access it outside of Canvas.

Step One

Setup up a password

Setting up a password will allow you to directly log into your account on the Vizi Courseware Website. To set up your password, click here.

If you are no longer logged in or cannot access your account through Canvas, click here to go through the forgotten password process instead.

Step Two

Change your email address

Changing the email address associated with your account will allow you to log in and receive emails from Vizi Courseware even after your Ball State email address is no longer active. Once you submit the new email you would like to use, you will need to check your email and verify the change before the update will take place. To change your email address, click here.

Step Three

Bookmark the site

Bookmark the Vizi Courseware website and use your new email address and password to continue to access the Vizi Exam Prep material after graduation.

Support Request

Running into any issues with these steps? Let us know so we can help!

Support Request